Around 64% of Americans are aware of CBD oil and CBD products. Moreover, 33% of Americans have used CBD once in their lifetime. It is quite popular for its usage for health and remedial purposes. However, the buzz around CBD oil is largely associated with its usage to enhance sleep. Still, there are several reservations … Read more
Author: Usama (Medical Student)
Usama is a medical student (MD) and loves to share his medical knowledge. He loves to write on different health and medical conditions for a better understanding of a common person. To know more about him visit the About page.
How to Get Rid of Pimples Overnight Fast [21 Do’s & Dont’s]
Acne is something that almost 80-85% of people face at some stage of their lives. It not only makes you uncomfortable but also affects the beauty to some extent, that’s why one wants to get rid of pimples. So, if you are having this problem and want to know how to get rid of pimples … Read more
15 Best Home Remedies to Lose Weight Fast and Naturally
Nowadays, most people are suffering from obesity (overweight) and want to know how to lose weight fast. Being overweight not only makes us look chubby but also causes lots of diseases like Diabetes, blood pressure, pain in the joints, back pain, etc. If you are overweight then don’t worry as in this article, I’ll discuss … Read more
15+ Morning Walk Benefits for Health and Useful Tips
There is a great saying, “Health is Wealth”. That is why we must care about this wealth more than any other thing. The morning walk is the best way to care about this wealth as it has so many benefits for your health. In this article, I am going to share with you some amazing … Read more
Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
You have probably come across people with the fluctuations in Behavior and Mood that cannot be explained or justified. There are chances that the individual is struggling with a condition known as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), which always makes him/her struggle greatly with his own self-image and relationships. The BPD is a broad category of … Read more
7 Best Essential Oils for Eczema on Face (Evidence-Based)
Are you looking for the essential oils for eczema on the face that are safe to use? I’m glad that you have found this article. Let’s start the discussion with a brief introduction to eczema! Eczema is a condition that makes the skin turn red, scaly, and itchy. Though doctors might refer to it as … Read more
8 Best Essential Oils for Bronchitis (Backed with Studies)
Are you looking for the best essential oils for bronchitis that are safe to use? You are landed on the right page. Bronchitis is an inflammation or swelling on the lining of bronchial tubes. These are the passages that connect the lungs to the mouth and nose. People with bronchitis experience breathing difficulties due to … Read more
7 Best Oils for Scars After Surgery (Backed with Studies)
Skin is a seamless and very important organ that protects the inner body from infections and injuries. Besides those biological benefits of the skin, most people regard the skin as a very important organ for their beauty. During surgeries and injuries, the skin might be left with noticeable scars that the majority of people think … Read more
3 Best Essential Oils for Babies with Cold & Cough (Proven)
Due to less immunity babies are more prone to infections like cold, cough, and congestion and if you are looking for the best essential oils for babies with cold, cough, and congestion then you have found the right page. The essential oils which I am about to mention in this article are some of the … Read more
30 Best Foods High in Protein Low in Carbs and Fat
We all know the importance of Protein. It has many benefits as it helps us in losing weight and grow our body muscles and their mass. As it is very beneficial for us I’ve decided to make a list of foods high in protein low in carbs and fat. Before I start the discussion on … Read more