Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder

You have probably come across people with the fluctuations in Behavior and Mood that cannot be explained or justified. There are chances that the individual is struggling with a condition known as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), which always makes him/her struggle greatly with his own self-image and relationships.

The BPD is a broad category of several subtypes that affects people we live with daily.

One of these subtypes is Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder, where individuals direct all their struggles inwards. In such situations, the people around you don’t know you have a problem and cannot necessarily link some of your struggles with ”Quiet BPD”

This subtype of BPD is very difficult to diagnose and treat. Unluckily, the longer you wait to receive treatment for quiet borderline personality disorder the more damages are likely to occur.

What is Quiet Border Personality Disorder?

This is agonizing mental health, where the individual falsifies the view of the world around him and the self-being.

Different people exhibit the BPD in different ways, and for that reason, there are four subtypes of BPD which are:

  • Quiet Borderline
  • Impulsive borderline
  • Petulant Borderline
  • Self-destructive Borderline

A person with any of these subtypes of BPD exhibits irritability and anger outbursts and, in some other cases, self-destructive impulsive behavior.

Although the society reinforces the stereotypical image of these people as those that externalize their anger and those with difficulties to act out, most of us don’t focus too much on the quiet BPD  individuals that suffer in silence.

With the Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder, individuals try to hide their anger and irritability by directing the volatility inward rather than out. People with this condition only act in, and they’re likely to experience fear of rejection, rage, obsessive emotional attachment, anxiety, mood swings, and self-doubt.

The only difference with other subtypes is that the patient will actually not show this through rushing out but dangerously directing the hate, anger, and blame towards himself. 

Symptoms of Quiet BPD

  • Extreme Mood swings– Do you experience mood swings that last for up to an hour or two even if you don’t show them on the outside? If yes, that’s the first symptom.
  • Toxic shame-People with Quiet BPD usually suffer from Toxic shame and feelings of Guilt whenever something happens.
  • Self-Blame-People suffering from this Disorder usually ends up blaming themselves whenever conflicts occur.
  • Idealizing, devaluing and discarding people at go-People suffering from Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder usually find themselves idealizing other people, then devaluing them and discarding them at a go.
  • Chronically detached from the world– It’s very common for people with Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder to feel chronically empty and detached from the world.
  • Feeling as a Burden to the people around you-This Disorder makes people feel like they’re taking a lot of space and obviously a burden to the people around them.
  • Cutting the people off immediately, they hurt you-people usually hurt each other and apologize thereafter. If you find yourself cutting people off instantly after such a scenario happens, there’s the likelihood that you’re suffering from Quiet BPD.
  • Blaming yourself for everything-People with this Disorder always drive all the blame on themselves whenever something happens. It’s obvious to blame one’s self when we mistakenly hurt others, but if you feel bad and blame yourself whenever your friends are angry or hurt, that is a sign of Quiet BPD.
  • Hiding how you truly feel-Although it’s not common for people with Borderline Personality Disorder to expose and openly show what they feel, it’s uncommon for those with Quiet Borderline Personality disorder to show their feelings.

Causes of Quiet BPD

Following are the causes in a bit detail:

1. Family History

In most cases, people inherit mental disorders, but there’s evidence that people can develop such disorders with time, especially if they experience tormenting things in their childhood.

A recent study shows that Quiet BPD and several other Personality disorders have links with genetics, and adults with such conditions always have a family history of the same.

2. Emotional and Physical abuse

Researchers have also established that genetics are not the only reasons why people struggle with mental conditions.

Recent research shows that physical and emotional abuse and childhood neglect have some links. If someone has a history of unstable and abusive relationships, the chances of Quiet BPD are high.

3. Hormones

Although this hasn’t been fully confirmed, there are some links between mental disorders such as Quiet BPD and serotonin neurotransmitter alterations. The evidence to whether Brain changes cause such Disorder is not enough.

Complications of Quiet BPD

You might already be wondering whether there are any possible side effects of this personality disorder. The fact is many people with this issue tend to suffer and struggle in silence. Without swift treatment, the symptoms of this condition can lead to more serious complications, as explained below.

1. Risk of Other Mental Disorders

Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder increases the chances of developing other mental health issues. This is mainly because people tend to suffer in silence, blame themselves, and deal with Guilt, which can lead to generalized anxiety, Depression, Bipolar disorder, and substance abuse.

2. Difficulties Sustaining Relationships

People with Quiet BPD always have issues founding and sustaining relationships. They always face problems connecting emotionally with others. They have increased fears of getting hurt and problems expressing themselves.

3. Self-Harm

If this disorder is not dealt with in time, people would have serious suicidal thoughts. From such people, it’s important to always take any hard feelings and suicidal talks seriously. If you get such comments or remarks from someone you suspect is struggling with fear, depression, and anxiety, always call your local police number or 911 and stay close with the individual to destruct their thoughts.

Quiet BPD Diagnoses and Treatment

There are challenges in diagnosing Quiet BPD mainly because of the many misconceptions and the inward nature of this mental condition. A qualified health professional such as psychiatrists and Psychologists can help with diagnoses.

The professionals will have to fill out a survey based on the current symptoms and get answers from the people around you. There’s currently no medical test for the condition. Consequently, it’s important to provide your health professional with all the needed information.

Psychiatric medications and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) are used to treat the condition. The treatments include tactics that teach mindfulness strategies and stress tolerance. The professional may also consider other treatments for mindfulness strategies and interpersonal effectiveness.

The Bottom Line!

Like many other conditions, quite borderline personality disorder also needs proper attention and medical care.

If you or your known is suffering from this condition then it is advisable to take proper and on-time action before it goes worse.

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Categorized as Diseases

By Usama (Medical Student)

Usama is a medical student (MD) and loves to share his medical knowledge. He loves to write on different health and medical conditions for a better understanding of a common person. To know more about him visit the About page.

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